Dear Neighbor,  It is hard to believe that almost 30 years have passed in our neighborhood.  While there have been numerous benefits to our community, the board feels that it is time to review and take a fresh look at the neighborhood,  consider changes that would improve property values as well as an overall sense of community.  We will be passing from door to door to reacquaint ourselves and to receive your input.
As we plan for the future as a group, we value your input and look forward to hearing from you.  Some of the questions on the survey may seem a little odd, but we are trying to get a true picture of our communities potential.
If you would like to participate please copy and paste the  QUESTIONNAIRE  into the email link included at the bottom. Then you can fully answer the questions before you send it. Thank You for your thoughts.
From:  Toni, Colleen and Chris

1. Are you happy with the present over all appearance of the community?  Please specify what you like and if you would like to see anything change.

2. Do you think that your home style works well for everyday use?  What do you like and what things might make it function better?

3. Have you read the covenants or do you remember what they say?

4. If you are a landlord, did you provide a copy of the covenants and bylaws to your tenants and make sure they understood them?.

5. How do you feel if others do not follow our Covenants?

6. How do you feel if you do not follow our Covenants? (This is a difficult question for each of us, but one that we think that each of us should consider.) Do you think that it affects others?

7.  What are your thoughts on how we should enforce our covenants and bylaws? Do you think that offenders affect you, either monetarily or emotionally?

 8. Do you think that the appearance of our community affects your commercial property value?

9. Do you think that even small changes could make a big difference in our community?

10. Do you think that a better, more up to date selection of Colonial Paint colors could still maintain the cohesiveness of our community and yet also give you a further sense of making your home more personal and suiting your pride of ownership?

11. Would you like to make some changes to your home, but don't know how or would like some help?  Please indicate if you are thinking about your home exterior or your landscaping.

12. Do you think that any of the landscaping is out of date or needs refreshing? 

13. Time is precious. Have your considered options for making your landscaping more self maintaining?  How much time do you think someone should spend maintaining their yards?  Would you like some suggestions?

14. Do you budget and plan regular exterior improvements?

15. What are your thoughts on how we could improve our decks? Both in design, size and function?

16. Most of our original short privacy fences are 30 yrs. old and need replacement?  What are your thoughts on the possibility of termite infestation in your home when rotten wood is so close to your dwelling?

17. When was the last time you walked around the exterior of your home and REALLY LOOKED OVER ALL IT'S DETAILS AND CONDITION while including the observation of both the entire house (all the way up to the roof line) and your landscaping?

18. Have you recently driven through the neighborhood and pretended that you were looking to buy a home here?  How does it look today vs. when you first bought your home?

19. Would you like good communication and 'good neighbor' attitudes in our community?

20. Any other suggestions?

Please contact us at any time with any additional thoughts that you may have.

website address: links are provided for both websites:

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